In the Organisation adminService accounts menu of the TM admin website (on Dev environment it would be URL

enter the name (for example “deploy”) and select permissions:

CoreAPIAccounts - check all methods

CoreAPIBalances - check all methods

CoreAPIContracts - check all methods

CoreAPICustomers - check all methods

CoreAPIGlobalParameters - check all methods

CoreAPIInternalAccounts - check all methods

CoreAPILedgerBalances - check all methods

CoreAPIPlans - check all methods

CoreAPIPostingInstructionBatch - check all methods

CoreAPIPostingsAPIClient - check all methods

CoreAPIProducts - check all methods

CoreAPISmartContracts - check all methods

CoreAPISupervisorContracts - check all methods

CoreAPIVaultVersion - check all methods

WorkflowsAPIWorkflows - check:

​/v1​/workflow-definitions​/{} PUT

​/v1​/workflow-definitions GET

​/v1​/workflow-definitions​:batchGet GET

​/v1​/workflow-definition-versions GET, POST

​/v1​/workflow-definition-versions​/{id} DELETE

​/v1​/workflow-definition-versions​:batchGet GET

​/v1​/workflow-definition-versions​:validate POST