

SM-568 - BO: Jira integration In Progress


SM-2831 - Display and search for task list Done




Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see list of tickets, related to that particular customer.

Reason: To quickly see how much tickets the customer have open / resolved in the past.

Functional requirements:

  • Tickets for particular customer will be displayed in a list of tickets in BOFE. By clicking on button “Go to Jira ticket list“, user will be redirected from BOFE to the Jira ticketing system, where he/she can see the full ticket history with search functionality.

  • Tickets should be displayed chronologically from the newest to oldest (ticket creation date & time)

  • Following info should be displayed on a ticket list for each ticket

    • Date opened

    • Ticket ID

    • Request type (see summary of dispositions here)

    • Assigned to

    • Summary

    • Status (Open, In Progress, Resolved, Returned to Sender, Closed, Canceled)

    • Ageing - Color coding for each ticket based on SLA ageing (red - ageing more than 72 hours, Orange -24-72 hours, White - bellow 24 hours)

Links to wireframes/UI:

External dependencies: Dependent on Jira vendor and system integrator for Jira - Unicorn.

Acceptance criteria:

List tasks for particular customer. Clicking on particular ticket, will redirect user to the ticket in Jira. After clicking on option to see all tickets, user will be redirected to the Jira ticketing system, where he/she can see full ticket history.