

SM-1676 - BO: Customer profile changes Done


SM-1069 - Edit customer details Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to edit / change personal information on particular customer.

Reason: Up-to-date customer information.

Functional requirements:

  • Sections to have an edit button (if applicable), that will reveal editable fields.

  • Fields has validation based on the data restrictions.

  • Reset button to clear changes.

  • Submit button to trigger maker-checker modal with pending change. Subject to the user role restrictions and maker-checker process.

UI requirements:

Customer Information

  • First name

  • Middle name

  • Last name

  • Date of birth (masked)

  • Place of birth

  • Nationality

  • Age (calculated on frontend from date of birth)

  • Gender


  • Phone number (masked)

  • Email


  • Country

  • ZIP Code

  • Street and number

  • Province

  • City/ Municipality

  • Barangay

Additional employment and financial information

  • Structure based on the fetched questionnaire

Acceptance criteria: After clicking the edit button, customer data can be edited. Fields have validation to provide feedback, if wrong values are inputed. Clear button will clear active edits. Submit button will create pending change. Valid ticket id must be provided in the next step and approval is subject to the maker-checker process. Edits will be applied only if approved by checker.
