SaFi Bank Space : Engineering handover - template


This is a template for the handover page for each engineering squad. Please fill in all information before your handover meeting.

This is the list of what should be handed over (checked by SaFi side after handed over), and also it is a good agenda for the handover meeting:

  • Jira - how is the work managed, how to work with it
  • Confluence - how is documentation structured, a brief overview
  • 3rd parties - what, for what, where it is documented
  • Contact persons/channels - for 3rd parties, products, …
  • Credentials - where are they, how are they managed
  • Dev level test - what is covered, what not, where to put the focus, where to be careful
  • Bugs/VAPT findings - which are there for SaFi to pick up
  • Planned development for MVP - what we were planning to do till the end of January (NFRs, tests, tech debt…)
  • Ownership handover
  • Squad Stakeholders

  • tech leadership (who shall be the person from SaFi’s side if it is already clear)

  • consult their idea of ownership in the team (if nothing is missing)

  • cancelation of our meetings and let SaFi create their own invites

  • For developers (workshop, and maybe they already know):
  • code structure

  • microservices - important microservices and connections for the squad

  • 3rd parties of the squad - how they work, pitfalls,

  • tooling - linters, how to run it locally, how to run tests…

  • business logic - short intro to business logic and what is the business scope of the squad and what not


Board: link

describe briefly if you have any specifics on how is the work in Jira organized.


Root of documentation: link

If necessary, describe specifics

3rd parties

what, for what, where it is documented


Describe important persons and communication channels (e.g. with 3rd party in Lark)


Where are they stored, how are they managed…

Dev level test

Describe briefly what is covered, what is not, where to put the focus, where to be careful

Bugs/VAPT findings

Which are there for SaFi to pick up

Planned development for MVP

What did you plan to deliver which is not a business feature?