SM-1056 - BO: Transaction adjustment Done


SM-4149 - Flagged transactions in account tx view Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see transactions flagged by Slacker and subject to the investigation

Reason: Transactions can be investigated on client account page, but this page serves as a global overview of flagged transactions. In case of technical failure (like ticket creation), or human error during the ticket handling, transactions that are still pending (indefinitely, until resolved) are available on this page.

Functional requirements:

Flagged transactions admin page (access based on access matrix) with list of flagged transactions in pending status and additional information:

  • date of transaction

  • reference id

  • status

  • type

  • beneficiary

  • amount

  • balance

Acceptance criteria: Flagged transactions admin page (available based on access matrix), where all transactions flagged by slacker, currently in pending state are present.