This page is about the ForgeRock packages available to purchase. Data is from the slides they shared with us extended with email communication.

Text with red colour: Vacuumlabs explanation of what is needed and what is not and why.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

FR Package




Access Plus


Identity Plus



Only Microservices Capabilities



Autonomous Access

probably (not really a technical dependency, more based on business / risk needs)

Cloud Support Services

This is a business decision (Platinum?)

Cloud Onboarding Services

If this is not a recurring cost but a single payment for onboarding (and not astronomical), we may want to go with FLEX. Can we select some items from FLEX or do we have to buy the whole package?

Identity Cloud

Package Structure


TL;DR: proposal: we do need this package

We need this package since this is the Core.

Access Plus

TL;DR: proposal: we do need this package

We need (at least) these features from the package:

  • WebAuthN passwordless authentication (if we plan to use public key infrastructure)

  • Transactional Authorization

  • Most probably we will need Token transformation & Exchange

Identity Plus

TL;DR: proposal: we do NOT need this package

Delegated Administration Features 



Documentation Links

Managed Organizations 

Organizations let you give users fine-grained administrative privileges to users based on hierarchical groups. 

Managed Organizations

Delegated Administration

Grant role-based, limited access to perform fine-grained administrative tasks on managed objects.

Privileges and Delegation to Restrict Administrative Access

Managed Organizations link is inaccessible.

We do not need Delegated Administration since we do not plan to use IDM’s user management functions. User management will not be in IDM.

User Privacy and Consent Capabilities



Documentation Links

Profile and Privacy Management Dashboard

Dashboard for managing personal user information.

Privacy: My Account Information in the End User UI

Consent and Preference Management

Configurable user preferences.

 Configure Privacy and Consent 

We do not plan to use the End User UI, all user related configuration will be in the mobile app or via backoffice systems.

We do not want to configure consent for self-registration or social registration. Consent (T&C, etc) management is handled by other systems.

Social Identity Capabilities 


User registration with social identity accounts.

Social Registration

Attribute Scope Management

Administrators can include any or all scopes available, by social identity provider.

Social Registration

We do not plan to use social identities.


TL;DR: proposal: we only need Microservices Security from this package

Identity Gateway Capabilities



Documentation Links


User interface for rapid development and prototyping.

 About Identity Gateway
Studio User Guide

Single Sign-On

Single sign-on in a single domain and across domains.

Single Sign-On and Cross-Domain Single Sign-On

Password Replay

Secure replay of credentials to legacy applications or APIs.

Policy Enforcement

Enforcement of centralized authorization policies for applications requiring Access Management.


OpenID Connect 1.0.

Acting As an OpenID Connect Relying Party


OAuth 2.0.

Acting As an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server


SAML 2.0.

Acting As a SAML 2.0 Service Provider


SAML resources for mobile applications.

Transforming OpenID Connect ID Tokens Into SAML Assertions

Finance APIs

Support for OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS and Financial-Grade APIs.

WebSocket Protocol

Detection of requests to upgrade from HTTPS to the WebSocket protocol, and creation of a secure, dedicated tunnel to send and receive WebSocket traffic.

Proxying WebSocket Traffic


Throttling to limit access to protected applications.

Throttling the Rate of Requests to Protected Applications

Our APIs use our own API gateway and since the API will be developed from scratch, we do not need IG’s password replay, policy enforcement, or other features targeted for legacy applications. For now, we do not need federation capabilities either.

Microservices Capabilities 


Sidecar-type, container-optimized gateway for securing microservices.

About Microgateway

Token Validation Microservice

Platform satellite for introspection of stateful and stateless OAuth 2.0 access tokens.

About the Token Validation Microservice

These are the parts that we most probably need except if we implement our own solution.


TL;DR: proposal: we do NOT need this package

We do not plan to use identity and access provisioning, FR’s REST API will be used for user creation and credentials update.

Autonomous Access

TL;DR: proposal: we may want this package


We may want to use this to add risk assessment capabilities.

Cloud Support Services

TL;DR: This is a business decision

Cloud Onboarding Services

TL;DR: If this is not a recurring cost but a single payment for onboarding, we may want to go with FLEX.

When do we have these Professional Team members? In any of the packages?


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