SaFi Bank Space : GCS Bucket Windows Client Setup

Setup GCS Client software

Windows - WinSCP

With Windows, it is recommended to use WinSCP.

Download and Install

Download it from:

IF you don’t have Google account using your corporate email, you will need to create one instead.

Use your corporate email address instead of creating based email address.

Insert your name and corporate email address:

2FA information using your mobile phone no and your birthday.

Verify your 2FA phone no.

When done, please setup Interoperability mode with GCS Bucket in the Google Cloud Console.

Setup Interoperability Google Cloud Storage Bucket

Login to Google Cloud Console

Go to and login as your previously setup Google Account for example.

Select a Project

You will need to set the GCP Project ID where the bucket resides, (below is example for DEV environment).

Go to Cloud Storage section

In the search bar at the middle top, type Storage. You will see options and select Cloud Storage.

Go to Cloud Storage Settings

Click Settings, then click Interoperability.

Create a Key within Interoperability

Now you can use the Key within WinSCP as you create a bucket site in that client software.

Add GCS bucket site in WinSCP

Open WinSCP software in Windows

Start WinSCP

Add a new Site

It will open a Login dialog.

Choose from drop down Amazon S3.

Fill Hostname with

Fill in Access Key and Secret obtained from the Google Cloud Console GCS Interoperability in the previous steps.

Click Save.

Save session as Site

Click OK.

You will see and be able to access the GCS Bucket