SM-2458 - BO: Reconciliation reports - manual Done


SM-2499 - Reconcile accounts - automatic Done



Role: BOFE admin (access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE admin I want to generate reconciliation reports, so that I can investigate discrepancies.

Reason: Payment vendors like Paynamics, ECPay will provide reconciliation reports after each day. In order to investigate if all transactions are correct and accounted for, these reports must be compared with internal system. In order to do that, BOFE reconciliation admin page can upload these reports and generate reconciliation files with discrepancies.

UI requirements:

  • Admin / Reconciliation page

  • Upload for the vendor reports

  • Picking the reconciliation date / range

  • Downloading the reconciliation report


Process flow:

  • BOFE admin will obtain vendor reports - lists of transactions in excel or CSV format for processing

  • BOFE admin will upload the vendor report and pick the correct type, vendor and day to be reconciled

  • BOFE system will retrieve transactions from that day and compare with the report

  • Number of discrepancies will be presented with option to download the report

  • Downloadable results (as CSV in case of discrepancies)

Functional requirements:

See technical documentation: Reconciliation procedure

  • Upload and parse vendor documents

  • Get all transactions data

  • Compare internal transactions and vendor report transactions, based on per-vendor predefined rules.

  • Display results (mismatch count and download), see story: Display reconciliation reports in BOFE

Acceptance criteria: Reconciliation admin page with sections for types of reconciliations, vendors and ability to pick a date and upload vendor file.