
Genesys is the call centre (CC) solution used by CC agents for all inbound and outbound phone communication with customers, including complaints and telesales.




CEX, [Contact person ?]

SaFi Owners

User fcd84 , Zbyněk Melichar (Unlicensed)

VL Owners

Domain: Back-office squad, User 88745 Jakub Ukrop (Unlicensed)

Known scenarios

This page contains historical info about Genesys integration and may not be up to date.
Main reason is that many of the scenarios were at the end not handled by the Backoffice squad or descoped.

Those that were properly covered:




(Technical) Notes

Agent logs into CC

Agent logs in to CC using SSO

Set up by Vendor


CC receives an inbound call (from a known phone number)

CC will call the backend to retrieve customer information based on the phone number. The information should include:

CC will route the call to a proper agent based on that info, continue to BF1.

We need a dedicated endpoint for this

Security TBD


CC receives an inbound call (from a registered customer an unknown phone number)

CC not able to retrieve info.

  • Agent is allowed to search by name & date of birth in BOFE

Continue to BF1



CC receives an inbound call (from a non-customer)POST MVP

CC not able to retrieve info. BOFE not used.

Call info forwarded to Meiro to register a prospect customer.

How would not having this “non-customer” in BE, only in Genesys work?


CC receives an inbound call (from customer via the APP)

Like IB1 but there is no need for caller authorization in BF1.

Done Authenticate calling customer


CC will display caller’s info in BOFE

BOFE is embedded in CC

  • BOFE needs an ability to be opened with customer ID - done

  • BOFE needs the auth screen - done

  • Can we prevent URL rewriting? YES CC user dot see the URL


Embedded BOFE opens TS

When a ticket link in BOFE is activated, the ticketing system (TS) should be also opened as embedded in BOFE.


CC agent calls a customer

Customer can verify the calling agent is legit

  • e.g. Customer sends a code via APP, agent reads it back

Implemented by IAM

Authenticate CC Agent

CC logs data to backend

When a IB/OB call ends, the agent wites a “report” and Genesys sends it to the audit log to become a part of communication history

CC can send some data, the other we fetch Logging communication from Genesys

CC data need to be archived POST MVP

CC storage is costly above a certain size and there could be a migration away from Genesys in the future - thus the we need to store all CC data elsewhere

to be discussed

CC receives a customer email

to be discussed

Email body needs to be stored in the BE

Agent needs to make an outbound call based on a ticket

to be discussed

CDP/analytical CRM triggers a campaign involving calls

to be discussed

CC notifies agent of an event.

For example, a ticket was moved to “call back to customer” status.

Jira will trigger a “preview campaign” in CC, assigned to the original report if possible. The act of handling the campaign is calling the customer.

to be discussed

Event triggers CC to contact customer

When customer waives a subscription fee, CC operator should call them.

to be discussed

just via ticket? or also “preview campaign as above?”

CC is used for workforce management? POST MVP

Customer wants to switch form CC chat to CC call

If customers request cannot be handled in the chat they can be rerouted to a call instead.

  • Need to reauthorize?

Handled by vendor


Resources & documentation

