SaFi Bank Space : Genesys Reporting

All topics related to Genesys cloud reporting task

Open questions


For users data, we are planning to use the endpoint : Get the list of available users (/api/v2/users), is it possible to filter the request to new accounts created or added? Or add the field account creation date in the response?

My suggestion use field Hiring date when the agent is imported via OKTA to Genesys

then you can use emoployer data filed to get this information



"employeeType": "Full-time", "dateHire": "2023-01-11"


For getting the members of a queue, we are planning to use the endpoint: Get the members of this queue (/api/v2/routing/queues/{queueId}/members), is it possible to filter the request to accounts newly added to the queue?

No, you have to manage it on your side.
You have just info that User is in the queue or not.
You have to create mark if the new user appeared or was removed

Generaly is better user the Audid API for get these information


Why are there interactionids with unidentified queue in the endpoint? (Sample interactionid : a587f540-ad05-4284-bec8-ccb1117b8f88)

What do you mean?


For the endpoint : Queries evaluation and return a paged list (/api/v2/quality/evaluations/query), do you have the list of values that can be passed on the expand parameter?

No answer yet


In the endpoint : Query conversation details (/api/v2/analytics/conversations/detail/query), just want to confirm that the interval is using conversationstarttime? Is it possible to request it using conversationendtime?

there is only Interval that use Start of the conversation, not the End


How to calculate total number of calls that were handled, abandoned, transferred, not responding, hold, consulted etc using the interaction response?

You can callcualte it via Queue metrics. you cannot callcualte it via Interaction response


How to calculate total handle time, hold time, ACW, ASA using the interaction response?

For the particular interaction you do not have to calculate it, you have it in the participant array in query.

If you will save these values, then you can calculate it for all of them


In the interaction response, is it possible to identify the customerId?

in the conversation api you have Participant and purpose is Cusotmer.
thre you can find the Mobile number (ANI)

"externalContactId": "e8f1f1d6-53f5-4e6b-8e14-0aeb6b80db2c",
"participantId": "279a967b-9c6f-4883-8603-daea104a9f53",
"participantName": "Mobile Number, Philippines",
"purpose": "customer",
"sessions": [
"agentBullseyeRing": 1,
"ani": "tel:+639177134243",
"direction": "inbound",
"dnis": "tel:+63288667570",
"edgeId": "7b1118d2-5326-4bed-8e9c-74939cfc061c",

I'm not seeing some of the dimensions of session in the interaction response (sample: activeSkillId, authenticated, callbackScheduledTime, etc). Is it because there are no interactions with these values?


Would it be possible to request for the query used for the 16 reports? (Agent Metrics Report, User status summary, etc)?

I doubt that somebody will provide it, you can ask CEX who is direclty communicate with the Genesys,

Hi would also like to ask if there is an endpoint to query evaluation scores by interval? Right now we are using these two endpoints: /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query (get all conversations with evaluation on a given interval) /api/v2/quality/evaluations/query (get scores per conversationid)

