SaFi Bank Space : How to configure and test Ably Kafka Connect


  • Must already successfully produced messages to the Kafka Topic with correct Avro schema setup

  • Do not use Confluent Control Center to test producing message to the Kafka Topic because it will not work with this error SerializationException: Unknown magic byte! .

  • Infra team must already setup Kafka component including Kafka Connect Transform plugin.

  • Infra team / DKatalis must already setup Ably Kafka Connector for Customer Channel and Account Channel.

Flow :

Producer > Kafka Topic > Ably Kafka Connector > > Mobile app


Below are the steps to configure sync from the Kafka Topic to Ably Channel:

  • Add the Kafka Topic to the Ably Kafka Connector Sink configuration.

  • Open DEV console and subscribe to the channel you are mapping your Kafka Topic to.

  • Produce Avro messages to the Kafka Topic, you should be able to see it going into the DEV console.

  • Inform FE team and add Jira ticket for them to add an Ably handler at the mobile app for that Kafka topic event payload.

(blue star) Detail Steps

Add the Kafka topic to the Ably Kafka Connector Sink Configuration

(blue star) : please do not use same topic for multiple connector. This will kill the entire connector. We will automate this Kafka topic to ably channel mapping in the near future.

Below example is using account_updated topic being mapped to ably customer channel. Postman script is attached to this page at the bottom.

Open DEV console and subscribe to the channel you are mapping your Kafka Topic to

(info) Please contact Common squad to add your email into Ably as tester prior to this; then accept the invitation.

Choose your environment

Select DEV console Tab

Subscribe (attach) to the relevant channel for your test

If you map your Kafka Topic to customer channel, then use customer:customerId.

For example: customer:3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6

Produce Avro messages to the Kafka Topic, you should be able to see it going into the DEV console.

(blue star) For this test we use Postman, it is the same as if you use your MS to produce the message.
(blue star) kafka proxy rest api v2 not support header and key with different serialization. It successfully produce message with kafka proxy rest api v3.
(blue star) for key and headers value, string is not supported, so it using BINARY. We need to encode real value with Base64 first.

Check the message is received in ably dev console

check the message is processed by FE

Inform FE team and add Jira ticket for them to add an Ably handler at the mobile app for that Kafka topic event payload.

Every event/command/snapshot you wish to be read by FE will need FE Ably Handler. You will also need to inform FE team what screen will be impacted and need to be refreshed by this event/command/snapshot.

Attached postman collection that used when testing