What is a fixture?

Literally, the Fixture can be any precondition of a testing procedure or sets of steps that are used as postconditions.

Basically, It might be:

  • a set of objects used as a baseline for running tests

  • a set of initialization code functions

The purpose of using the Fixture is to eliminate the duplication of the common code for all the test cases

Different ways to define fixtures

In-class Fixture

Writing an in-class fixture when it’s supposed to be used only by this testing class. It should be defined in the companion object of the testing class


 class TestClass {
    fun `test create loan - should return bad request if initialFeePercentage is negative`() {
    private fun resolveCreateLoanRequestDtoV2(
        stakeholderId: UUID? = UUID.randomUUID(),
        principalAmount: BigDecimal? = BigDecimal("1000"),
        firstInstallmentDate: LocalDate? = LocalDate.now().plusMonths(1),
        numberOfInstallments: Int? = 6,
        interestRate: BigDecimal? = BigDecimal("0.025"),
        initialFee: BigDecimal? = BigDecimal("1.0"),
        initialFeePercentage: BigDecimal? = BigDecimal("0.01")
    ) =

Fixtures in the separate files

Writing a fixture in a shared separate file

Defining a data fixture

If it’s defining the data entities, It’s supposed to group the fixtures of the same entity in one file


object LoanFixture {
    private val stakeholderId = UUID.fromString("be8af8cb-1107-4683-88d8-4c86f020ddea")
    private val loanId = UUID.fromString("bad4d498-56bc-4944-86b6-c5ce03634b6b")

    fun buildNewLoan(
        id:UUID? = loanId,
        customerId:UUID? = stakeholderId,
        emi:BigDecimal? = BigDecimal("100.00000")
    ) = LoanEntity(
        id = id!!,
        customerId = customerId!!,
        emi = emi!!)


Defining a function fixture

If it’s defining the shared functions, it’s hard to apply one same rule. But it’s supposed to group the fixtures that belongs to the same domain.


object ThoughMachineFixture {