In order to go through onboarding successfully a customer is required to pass video call with an agent who should approve an identity of a customer and his/her ID.

Steps to proceed:

  1. In your browser, go to the DEV or STAGE vKYC portal

    1. Links and accounts are here (passwords hidden by white color)

  2. Wait, until the compatibility check is done

    1. Browser can ask you to permit access to mic or camera

    2. If you get connectivity issues, turn off add-blocking extensions on your browser.

    3. If you experience an compatibility error even you permitted mic and camera access, there might be an issue with your internet connection

  3. Click on “Resume” button to signal, you are ready to accept calls

  4. In the mobile app, choose “I’m ready” button

  5. In vKYC, a window pops up with details about the caller. You need to accept it

  6. During the call, the minimal setup to successfully approve the call are these steps:

    1. Take a photo on the face

    2. Take a photo of the ID card

    3. Mark at least one checklist option (e.g., Name is consistent) → if no option is marked, the customer will get rejected after submitting call

    4. End & Submit call

  7. In the mobile app, you should see a page about successful call and the results are processed

    1. If everything went right, the mobile app will redirect you to the success page