Definition of Done (DoD)

These are the steps to be taken in order for a ticket to be considered Done.

Type of deliverable (type of ticket) fundamentally changes the DoD list. This list is about Technical Stories.


  • Functional, non-functional requirements met (see user story / ticket)

    • If something is missing, create a new ticket covering that so that we have visibility

  • Endpoints are secured (if needed)

  • Secrets are from the vault only

  • API version is increased if there is a change in the API

  • There are logs covering significant milestones in the processing (but does not contain PII - Personal Identifiable Information) - more info here:

  • Audit logs are emitted for significant events (e.g. registration, key revocation, failed signature, etc.)

  • Test coverage is good enough (focus on component tests for now) for both happy and negative paths and all tests are passing

    • Do not forget to test the authentication / authorization also, not just the functionality

  • Feature documented / change updated in documentation (swagger / README)

    • template-service is updated

  • Peer-review is done (generally 1 approve is enough but needs more for important / complex / big changes)

  • Merged to main

  • Deployed to dev (so it is reachable for others / can be demoed)


  • Accepted by stakeholder

    • user story: (PO - Product Owner - User f4e05)

    • technical story: reporter