SM-1057 - BO: Documents view / manage In Review


SM-4722 - ID Cards - upload new Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to upload ID Card for customer.

Reason: If customer is unable to upload ID Card via mobile app, Back-Office can assist by uploading it in BOFE.

UI requirements:

ID card upload modal / preview.


Functional requirements:

  1. BOFE user will receive scan photo of new ID card via email or similar channel

  2. BOFE user will press “Upload new card” in Customer Profile page

  3. Upload modal will be displayed, where user can pick photo of ID card front and back side. Images will be displayed and if all is correct, user will press submit.

  4. New ID card will be uploaded. If user has permission to edit user data, he can proceed to fill in card type, card id, card expiration date. This process is subject to the maker-checker process and require valid ticket id. If user has not sufficient permission, will create ticket in Jira for responsible department to finish the process.

  5. When card data is successfully, user can proceed with verification process

Functional requirements:

Ability to edit customer data is restricted, according to the access matrix

Acceptance criteria:

Pressing the upload ID card button will trigger modal, where user can pick front and back picture of the card. Upon submit will be added as new card, the data are filled in and new card is added.