

SM-1057 - BO: Documents view / manage In Review


SM-4721 - ID Cards - list all Done

SM-4723 - ID Cards - edit data Accepted



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to access customer ID Cards to verify the identity and change necessary info, if needed.

Reason: It is required for Back-Office to check ID cards manually.

ID Card detail

Upon clicking on View ID Card button in Customer Profile View - ID documents, actual ID Card photo will be displayed with front page and back page of the ID Card. Clicking on the card image will trigger image zoom.

Revealing the card exposes personal information and for that reason this action is logged.

ID Card change

SM-4723 - ID Cards - edit data Accepted

The ID Card type, number and expiry date for that document will be available for change and subject to maker-checker flow, along with the valid ticket id.


ID Card list

SM-4721 - ID Cards - list all Done

Upon clicking on View past ID documents button, modal with all past documents and customer personal information will be displayed.


Acceptance criteria:

Upon clicking on View ID document button, actual photo of document (front and back page) will be presented with ability to edit document number and expiry date, subject to the maker-checker process.

Upon clicking on view past ID documents, modal with past cards and customer information will be displayed.