Epic: SM-234 - Cards: External Integrations Done

SM-690 - Integration with DZ Cards Done

SM-689 - DZCard will upload file containing bulk status update of Card emboss Done

Review status: APPROVED

Role: Backend


Integration with an external 3rd party company DZ Card is required


This integration will allow SaFi BO to deliver selected client card designs to DZ Cards company responsible for the card printing process and follow-up distribution. This process will occur during each physical card request. DZ Cards must provide at the end of their process a delivery ID which will be used for the delivery tracking system (Ninjavan).

Functional requirements:

  • xxx

UI requirements:

  • xxx

Process flow:

  • n/a

Execution steps:

  • xxx

Internal dependencies:

  • n/a

External dependencies:

  • DZ Card API Integration

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • The client can provide information related to the physical card order process

  • This information are transferred via text file to FTP server od DZ Card

  • DZ Card can provide update about actual status of card management

  • Updated DZ Card status is reported to our backend system and visible for client in mobile app

Links to wireframes/UI:
