
Jira is the ticketing system (TS) solution used by back-office to manage tasks. For every task, there is a ticket used to track it.




Unicorn, [Contact person ?]

SaFi Owners

Munnish (Unlicensed), Zbyněk Melichar (Unlicensed)

VL Owners

Domain: Back-office squad, User 40d9b, Jakub Ukrop (Unlicensed)

Known scenarios




(Technical) Notes

Task types

There are various tasks types for various streams (CC, fraud, …)

Configured by the vendor

Requirements from SaFi


BOFE displays list of tasks

BOFE is able to list all ticket related to a particular customer. Search is also expected

CustomerID will need to ba part of some searchable ticket metadata

BOFE can open Jira

  1. Clicking on a ticket in “customer tickets” opens it in Jira

  2. There should be a link to open all tickets for the current BOFE user

Jira can show list of all tickets related to a particular customer

[not integration scenario]

Jura can show a list of all tickets assigned to a particular user

[not integration scenario]

Changing ticket status causes CC notification

When a ticket changed into a [back to CC] status, a preview campaign in CC is triggered to serve as notification

Jira → Genesys integration

Changing ticket status causes customer notification

When a ticket is created or closed a message/notification is sent to the customer affected by the ticket

Create ticket from MS

Example: Automatic onboarding fails, creates a ticket for BO agent to follow up

We need to build a intergration helper used by other squads.

Create ticket form BOFE

BOFE user is able initiate a ticket creation in Jira with some attributes (customer ID) prefilled


Jira APIs

To ensure a caller is eligible to invoke an API, there are 2 ways:

  1. OAuth 2.0, requires the caller (Jira user) to confirm during authentication for the first time access to Jira.

  2. HTTP basic auth, need to generate a token for Jira account and pass along with HTTP request.

HTTP basic auth approach is probably used when invoking Jira RESTful APIs in an automation process without human involved.


Can we search Jira by customer ID?

Can we create a view by customer ID?

Can we generate a link to create ticket with customer ID (etc) prefilled?

What are the options to embed Jira in our web page [post MVP]

When and how to create a Jira user ?

Possible options:

  • Created automatically when registering with BO

It’s probably complicated to implement.

  • manually created by BO users

Not user-friendly

Users are managed in Okta, so they must be synced to Jira. (Under discussion)

Where to store Jira user’s API token ?

To call Jira RESTful APIs, we need Jira user name & API token

  • Client side (in BO user’s browser)

BO user associates Jira user with BO user, while API token will be retrieved via OAuth2 and then stored in browser.

  • Server side

Store Jira username & API token in database for future use

Use a specific Jira user to invoke Jira APIs (via API token).

How to determine assignee of a new ticket ?

Currently Jira rule supports being triggered when a new task is created and using following algorithms to choose assignee:

  1. user in a group

  2. user in a role

  3. user in a predefined list

  4. automatic

  5. specify user

  6. unassigned

  7. user who triggered the event

If we want a more full-controlled solution, we need to choose the assignee before creating the ticket.


