SaFi Bank Space : Kafka Topics to Ably Channel Mapping

Now Ably Channel Mapping also included on file common/schema/topicSchemasDefinitions.json

ably kafka connect will check field ablyChannel to add to the respective connector.

      "name": "loans.overdraft.activity.temp",
      "schema": "overdraft.OverdraftActivityAvro",
      "ablyChannel": "ably-account-sink"

Please add this field with ably-channel-sink or ably-account-sink if you want data from BE sync with FE.
if not then you can set this field empty string or remove this field. (a topic without ablyChannel field will not break the logic)

This field value are:
- ably-channel-sink : The topic will be added to ably-channel-sink connector.
- ably-account-sink: The topic will be added to ably-account-sink connector.
- ““ (empty string) : The topic will not be added to any connector.

topic that registered to ably-channel-sink connector required to has customerId as the key.
example topic: card.creation.card_submitted
topic that registered to ably-account-sink connector required to has accountId as the key.
example topic: account.main.balances.updates.temp