SaFi Bank Space : Kafka connect encryption

the message is encrypted on kafka connect and will be decrypted on FE side using same key.

Global Key

Add configuration
the value is text that already hash and Base64 encode

Per Customer Key

need create custom FQCN
example PR :
note : this PR is old branch, avro schema is not supported in here

example custom implementation.

example config

    "connector.class": "com.ably.kafka.connect.ChannelSinkConnector",
    "tasks.max": "3",
    "": "ably-connect-cluster",
    "topics": "mytopic",
    "": "Ably-Kafka-Connector",
    "channel": "customer",
    "": "#{topic}",
    "client.key": "",
    "errors.tolerance": "all",
    "errors.log.enable": true,
    "": "topic_dlq",
    "errors.deadletterqueue.context.headers.enable": true,
    "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.replication.factor": 1,
    "" : "com.ably.kafka.connect.config.DefaultCipherConfig",
    "client.loglevel": 7


need add key before attach to the channel.

final key = await _hash(secret, salt, length);
final RealtimeChannelOptions channelOptions =
    await RealtimeChannelOptions.withCipherKey(key);

await channel.setOptions(channelOptions);
await channel.attach();

We can generate per customer encryption key but at this moment connector does not have caching mechanism. Generate encryption key based on certain kafka header (customerId) and topic is expensive process. We need others solution for per customer key encryption.

Attachments: (application/octet-stream)