SaFi Bank Space : Levels of Testing We Need

This document intends to cover different levels of testing we need. And we’ll cover the testing objective, scope and metrics in other documents.

  • Unit Testing


Unit testing checks the functionalities of the 'smallest' part of the system. It helps developers build confidence in features they implemented, and make changes quickly. Good unit cases serve as project documentation and are newbie/beginner friendly. Unit testing often can cover corner cases that cannot be covered in other levels of testing.


  1. Use such libraries as JUNIT and TestContainers to make it automatic

  2. Ideally, every function/method should be covered

  3. Ideally, every branch, decision and condition of a function/method should be covered

  4. Ideally, functions/methods that deal with input/output should be tested with both valid and invalid inputs

  5. Ideally, every state and branch of Termporal.IO workflows should be covered if possible

  6. Test cases dealing with BigDecimal values should be handled with special attention

  7. Replace Mock with TestContainer if it is applicable.

  • Integration Testing


Software modules are designed and implemented by different developers whose understanding and programming logic may differ from each other. Therefore, integration becomes necessary to verify that these modules can work together in unity. Plus, interactions with database and external services could be erroneous, and the system may fail to catch some exceptions.


  1. Use such tools as docker, docker-compose, TestContainer, JUNIT to make it automatic

  2. For module A, only integrate A’s dependent modules(database, broker and other modules) and neglect modules that depend on A

  3. Test cases should checked the connectivities between the depending module and its dependent modules

  4. All interfaces(Restful API, Message Queue) between the depending module and its dependent modules should be tested

  5. Test cases should focus on the data flow among modules

  6. Both happy/normal path and unhappy/exception path(invalid interface parameters, timeout and retries) should be covered

  • End-to-End Testing





  • Smoking Testing

// we may not include it at this stage, but will have it later when the system is production ready

  • System Testing


We need to make sure that all the modules, and external dependencies(database, third-party systems and other services) can work together as expected.


  1. QA engineers should be responsible for the system testing

  2. QA engineers should prepare related documents detailing test cases(precondition, input, output, expected result, actual result), these documents should be reviewed and approved by all business owners to make sure that the cases cover all the business requirements. These documents can be part of the acceptance documents

  3. QA engineers should discuss the non-functional requirements(e.g: monitoring metrics) with business owners and tech leaders and other stakeholders to prepare corresponding test cases.

  4. Use or create tools to make it automatic

  • Stress Testing

// we’ll have performance test at the later stage

  • Regulatory Conformance Testing


Since we deal with financial and banking business, it’s very important to conduct regulatory conformance testing to check if our product complies with corresponding laws and regulations. Governments often have regulations regarding data storage, access and disclosure as well as security aspects. So, it’s very important to have this kind of testing here



  • Penetration Testing


Cyber security is very important for financial sectors. To avoid possible vulnerabilities, we need to invite security experts/white hat hackers to do penetration tests to make sure that our system is secure and our customer’s money is safe here.



  • Acceptance Testing


We need to evaluate our vendor’s deliveries when the contract is to complete. We assume that we can do that stage by stage, and don’t want to check everything at the final stage. Such things as performance requirements and non-functional requirements, should we include these items? Let’s figure out.
