Epic: SM-38 - ONB: Provide necessary data for onboarding Done
Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved


Role: the Customer

Objective: to prove that a Customer is a live person trying to onboard

Reason: to prevent fraud/identity theft, KYC

Functional requirements:

Liveness check represents Step 3 out of 4 required for Onboarding.

  • the Customer is only allowed to continue to the liveness check once they finished the previous step (identity verification including ID scanning)

  • the Customer is instructed on how they should prepare for the liveness check - instructions will be part of a separate screen

  • liveness check is done via integration to AAI service which will instruct the customer to position within the given frame

    • based on the captured video quality and level of fulfilling of the requirements the service will provide written and spoken instructions

  • the service compares the face captured with the face extracted from the ID

  • at the end of the video capturing the service will return:

    • OK + liveness ID and liveness score, all is stored within the Customer profile

    • NOK - result is stored within the Customer profile

  • In both the customer is presented with a screen confirming that this step was finished

  • In case the result is OK the Customer continues in the onboarding flow

  • In case the result is NOK the Customer continues in the onboarding flow (liveness check will be done manually during vKYC call with a SaFi agent)

Technical specification:

Liveness check using Advance AI

UI requirements: n/a

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: n/a

External dependencies: AAI Liveness service being up and running

Alternative scenarios: AAI Liveness service is not accessible or functioning properly - the Customer can continue with onboarding (liveness check will be done manually during vKYC call with a SaFi agent)

Acceptance criteria:

  • Customer who has finished ID verification can proceed to Facial verification.

  • Customer is given instructions based on the real positioning.

  • only Customer who has been assessed as a live person as well as a Customer with matching face to the face provided on the ID can receive a positive outcome of facial verification.

  • Customer failing in one of the conditions above cannot proceed, can repeat the liveness check.

  • In case of OK result, liveness ID and score is stored within Customer profile.

  • Customer can proceed with onboarding in all cases:

    • service is accessible and functioning and liveness check result is OK

    • service is accessible and functioning and liveness check result is NOK

    • service is not accessible and not functioning.

Links to wireframes/UI: https://www.figma.com/file/0LEEFZgkUnPkPTkY9PMREt/SaFi---WF-%26-UI-(Shared)?node-id=5648%3A53823 / https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=79%3A4717