Localisation Approach

Required languages & tone of voice

  • EN formal + informal

  • FI formal + informal

Customer Manager

  • Persists preferred language of the customer

  • Provides API for frontend app to change the preferred language of the customer

  • Note: existing implementation stores the language and tone of voice as separate attributes

Output Manager

  • Templates will be deployed as static resources with no management capabilities in MVP

  • The selected language will be identified by a single identifier combining language & tone of voice → resulting in 4 language identifiers in total

Frontend app

  • Flutter’s mechanism for localisation will be used to define texts for supported languages

  • No management capabilities in MVP

  • The selected language will be identified by a single identifier combining language & tone of voice → resulting in 4 language identifiers in total

Design of frontend app localisation solution

App Localization

Design of Output Manager localisation solution

Output manager