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IAM: Auth bank user in BOFE SM-1854 Login to Back Office bank system Story Ilija Sovilj Medium 2.0 Done Done SM-4131 , SM-1127 , SM-2361

Review status: approved

As a Bank User I want to be able to login using my credentials so that I can access the Back Office bank systems

Role: Bank User

Objective: Bank User can login using their credentials to access the Back Office bank systems

Reason: Bank User needs to access Back Office bank systems.

Functional requirements:

  • Bank User is redirected from BOFE into OKTA where the credentials can be typed in and authentication takes place after which Bank User gets redirected back to BOFE.

UI requirements:

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies:

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

Links to wireframes/UI: