Epic: SM-1813 - IAM: Logout from the app Done
JIRA: SM-1836 - Logout from app Done
Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved

As a Customer I want to be able to logout of the app so that I can view login page

Role: Customer

Objective: Logging out the app

Reason: Customer has option to logout if not using the app

Functional requirements:

Logout is is only accessible for registered customers that are logged in

Customer has the option to logout form anywhere in the app

UI requirements: Logout button and/or from dropdown menu log out option, Logout confirmation message

Process flow:

Execution steps:

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies: FE, DK

Alternative scenarios: what would happen if not done (optional)

Acceptance criteria:

  • Customer that is logged in is able to logout from anywhere in the app and view login page

  • Customer logs out the app when clicked Logout button

  • Generate failure/success message when processing

  • Display the error messages when value is invalid

  • Clear all existing Localstorage Hive

  • Unsubscribe from all Ably channels

  • Unlink Device from Ably

Links to wireframes/UI: