Infobip is one of the chosen providers to be used to send out SMS, Viber and email messages to our customers.

The new-branded webUI is , login is TEST696/SaF!Bank2022. API credentials are stored in Hashicorp Vault.


Documentation is in these PDFs:

The gateway is here:

While investigating we’ve figured out that the sms “type” is important and the API gives back the response “200” even if the message request itself was never delivered. We’ve asked “Delivery notifications” to be enabled, but it did not happen yet.

Some UI guidelines:

The most important information is under Reports->Communication->Transactions

Select the date range and click “Apply”

If you scroll down, there are “+” sings which are clickable.

After opening down the “+”, the number in the column “Total SMS” is clickable.

The individual message IDs and statuses are on the next screen.

We’ve asked for direct delivery notification features to be enabled, but they are not enabled yet.


Documentation is:

The gateway is: