New maker-checker flow change

Adding a new change to the possible maker-checker flows is accomplished through updategin code of backoffice-manager. When adding a new change for an entity that already has some changes we need to update several files mentioned in the list below. Examples of such changes can be seen in these PRs:


Add a generated API call to a manager API that executes the change.


Update EntityChangeCreateDto and ChangeDto objects to allow FE to send appropriate request data.


Update ChangeSnapshotProducer to contain newly added part. To do so BackofficeChangeSnapshot schema needs to be updated first.


Update Change to contain the new change data received in EntityChangeCreateDto.toModel() method.


Update EntityChangeServiceImpl implementation to verify bank user rights (Access-control) and cases of mutually blocking changes.



Update AuditLogActivityImpl implementation to log new change data. Add a new activity method in EntityChangeActivity and its implementation in EntityChangeActivityImpl to call the method added in the client section.

Update EntityChangeWorkflowImpl implementation to call the newly added activity.



Tests calling the generated API client require the creation of mocks in EntityManagerMock file.


When adding a new change we need to test its validation in EntityChangeServiceTest.


When testing new change logic we are testing calling correct activity in EntityChangeWorkflowTest. Activity test in EntityWorkflowActivityTest then checks the correct calling of generated API endpoint, activity tests require the use of created mocks.