SaFi Bank Space : Manual customer offboarding process


The manual offboarding process describes steps to be executed in order to perform customer offboarding in the EPFS version of the SaFi bank.

Disclaimer: The offboarding process is going to be automated and expanded in the MVP version intended for public use. It will be fully handled by Back Office agents (without any need for IT Ops involvement). More information here.


  • Customer

  • CC Agent

  • IT Ops Agent

Systems involved:

  • SaFi application

  • BOFE

  • Genesys (CC)

  • JIRA


  • CC Agent

    • CC agent is logged in the Genesys CC

    • CC agent has a working access to Jira and BOFE

  • IT Ops agent

    • IT Ops agent has working access to Jira, BOFE

  • Customer is Onboarded and has

    • No open pockets

    • No funds

    • No outgoing or planned transactions


  1. Customer triggers offboarding by raising request to CC Agent via phone.

CC number (+63 2 8866 7570) is pre-dialled by clicking on the Support icon - available in the top right corner of the application interface


2. CC agent logged in the CC (Genesys) can see the customer number and verify the customer identity via information available in BOFE

3. CC agent will share the information on Offboarding pre-conditions with the customer:

  • No open pockets

  • No funds

  • No outgoing or planned transactions

4. CC Agent will raise a technical ticket in JIRA for IT ops

5. IT ops agent will pick up the JIRA ticket and will manually perform operations sequence based on the diagram - resulting into customer status flag "OFFBOARDED"