

SM-1056 - BO: Transaction adjustment Done


SM-1093 - Manual transactions Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user I want to correct transaction mistakes and create new intrabank transaction.

Reason: In order to correct transaction mistakes, BOFE user can create new intrabank transaction to credit or debit customer account, including GL (internal bank account).

UI requirements:

  • Admin page where manual transaction can be inputed

  • Audit log with past transactions created by BOFE users

Execution steps:

BOFE user will input following information into the New transaction form:

  • Sender account - can be any customer account (including main account, pockets, loans …), or internal bank account.

  • Beneficiary account - can be any customer account (including main account, pockets, loans …), or GL (internal bank account).

  • Transaction amount - in PHP

  • Note - information visible to customer, the change narrative

  • Ticket ID - for maker-checker workflow

Functional requirements:

Manual transaction creation is limited to users based on access matrix

New transaction creation is subject to the maker-checker process

New transaction will be approved by Slacker and executed

Internal dependencies:

Slacker will evaluate this transaction as requested by Back-Office, so it can be executed.

Acceptance criteria:

  • admin page with new transaction input form

  • new transactions requests audit log

  • correctly inputed transaction will be subject to the maker-checker process

  • when approved will be correctly executed nad logged