
Meiro CDP (Customer Data Platform) is used as the analytical CRM. It initiates telesales (and other) campaigns.




Meiro (Pavel Bukovský)

SaFi Owners

Zbyněk Melichar (Unlicensed)

VL Owners

Domain: Back-office squad, User 88745 , Jakub Ukrop (Unlicensed)

Known scenarios

This page contains historical info about Meiro integration and may not be up to date.
Main reason is that many of the scenarios were at the end not handled by the Backoffice squad or descoped.

Those that are to we covered: are in SAF-884 - BO: Meiro integration Backlog





(Technical) Notes


Agent logs into CDP

Agent logs in to CDP.

[not configured by VL]

Customer profile/history changes (They change address, repay a loan etc.)

CDP gets the latest data from the core system

via Kafka connector, listening to snapshots, handled by Vendor/Zbynek

Customer interacts with the app

CDP gets latest data about the interactions

from firebase? [anyway not related to the BO squad]

Identifying VIP people

CDP is able to identify VIP people based on specificed criteria. Such people will be elligible for aspecial loan offer, for example.

There are not supposed to be any VIP people

New telesales campaign

CDP creates a campaign and sends data to CC (for CC agents to start calling customers)

CC also writes data to the audit log to become a part of communication history.

We expect Meiro to do this integration

What data?

Should other non-comunication history data related to campaign stored in BE/log?

Who triggers the campaign?

New SMS/email/chat campaign

CDP creates a campaign and sends data to some “communication gateway”. CDP will trigger the send of message

The SMS/email/chat texts will be defined in CDP. (no templating expected on BE side)

The gateway also logs the communication to Audit Log to become a part of communication history.

Emails will probably not go through the gateway but be handled by CDP directly - it still need to publish the details to communication history.

Meiro will call our APIs.

Can Meiro emit events for our Audit log? No.

What data?

The pipeline for marketing messages should be different than for other (more important) messages.


Next best offer (campaign)

CDP creates a “next best offer” form customers.

CC/BO is able to request that data from CDP

This will be shown in BOFE too

[not configured by VL]



NPS campaign

?? Feature store integration

[not configured by VL]


Onboarding campaign

Customer in onboarding and had not yet proceeded to phase 2

[not configured by VL]


No activity on created account / no package selection

Customer onboarded but there is no activity

[not configured by VL]


  • Once the contract is signed they can “deploy in 2 days”, we expect the (post-design) integration work to happen mid August 2022

  • Examples of campaigns

    • Telesales

    • A registered customer is not onboarded yet

    • An onboarded customer has account activity

    • NOT collection campaigns (managed by Loxon)

Resources & documentation

