UW reporting is a core reporting for Credit risk management. Should be built flexibly to capture daily, weekly, monthly views.


On top of standard time dimension, following shall be available:

  • Type of product (loan, overdraft)

  • Geography

  • Origination channel/sales channel hierarchy

  • Client


All metrics are measured with respect to given dimension (time period or other dimension)




New volume 


Total amount of loans paid out



Number of applications that were approved or denied

Approved applications


Number of applications approved

Approval rate


Ratio of number of approved applications and all applications  

Preapproval cancelled


Number of applications that were cancelled before approve/deny decision. These applications are dropped within the approval process - mainly due to not completed manual review.

Preapproval cancellation rate


Ratio of number of preapproval cancelled applications to number of applications

Manual Review Approval


Number of applications approved in Manual Review.

Manual Review Approval ratio


Ratio of number of approved in Manual Review to number of Applications.

Approved clients


Number of distinct clients with approved application.

Note: beware of issues with DISTINCT (two periods will not sum into the same number as one combined period)

Approval rate (client)


Number of approved clients divided by number of all clients with application.

New client applications


Number of first applications that were ever approved and not cancelled for particular clients.

New client rate


Number of New client applications divided by number of all applications

Approved prospected volume 


Amount of loans approved - offered to customer in respective month. This is the sum that is available to customer after the approval

Activated volume


Amount of approved loans that were activated - drawn by client

Average term


Average number of instalments - on activated loans. 

Activated loans count


 Number of loans that were activated-drawn by customer

Averaged financed amount


Average loan (credit) amount.

Effective Interest Rate


Effective interest rate (including fees and other costs) of loans approved in respective month.

Specific metrics related to External/Internal APIs-integrations




Usage rate


Ratio of number of applications for which service request was made and all applications with decision date .

Hit rate


Ratio of number of applications for which data was obtained and all applications with request to particular integration.

Error in response Rate


Each integration has defined a response status that indicate error. Ratio of such responses to all applications with request to particular integration

Error in Call


Each integration may result in error (unexpected response, timeout, etc.). Ratio of such responses to all applications with request to particular integration

Score distribution

To detect any shift/error in the external score the distribution to be monitored

Specific metrics related to Score performance measurable for UW




Population Stability Index


Comparison of incoming population scoring deciles to expected scoring deciles (utilizing the training population deciles)

Specific metrics related to Policy controls declines

Policy and blacklist hits results in application decline. There are two views on hits:

  • share of application hit by this control

  • waterfall perspective that captures overlap of multiple policy controls