Whole process is subject to real time monitoring to measure key steps processing and comparison to expectations.

Monitoring is built on real-time basis utilizing technologies like Kafka-Prometheus-Grafana to capture following key metrics within the key dimensions

Reference metrics required

Each metric is measured and compared to;

  • Expected value (ie KPI)

  • Same time yesterday

  • Same time last week


  • Type of customer

  • Final decision or key decision (approved, declined, manual review required)

  • Time dimension - ability to go into 1second granularity (for visualization 1 minute is enough)

  • key API result (such as error, pass, score bands)

Metrics: Time to …



Time to fill

Time between the first step (starting screen) and last step (submitting the application for evaluation)

Time to decision

Time between submission of application and key decision

Processing time of decisioning flow

Each decisioning flow is measured start-to-end (eg. credit risk WF, Fraud prevention WF, Product rec. WF)

key APIs processing time

Each key step in approval WF has measurement of the processing time (eg. Finscore, Internal credit score, Seon check, etc.)

Metrics: Counts, Sums

Each application is measured as count/sum amount (if amount is available)