


Core bank


Operation messages

the changes on account
The transaction

IDM Forgerok


Operation messages

OTP messages



Interaction with customer



Operation messages

Due date



Marketing messages
Broadcast message

general information
not finished onboarding
not selected package

Maintenance of bank
Customer awareness about security

  • Operation messages

    • Transaction messages
      - Messages about every single transaction (movement on the account)

    • OTP message
      - messages for login to mobile app
      - messages for call authorization? (Agent can trigger OTP message to ensure who is on call)

    • Change on the account
      - payment limit change

    • Onboarding messages

    • Informational messages
      - new conditions
      - BSP regulation
      - limit on the card/account

    • Fraud detection
      - unusual account activity

    • NPS
      - IVR after call

    • Welcome message after first loan/ Credit Card

  • Collection messages

    • due dates reminder Pre-collection (push message)

    • due dates reminder 1-day due date

    • due dates reminder 2-day due date

    • due dates reminder 7-day due date

  • Marketing messages

    • general information

    • not finished onboarding

    • not selected package

    • Loyalty

  • Broadcast message (ION )

    • Maintenance of bank

    • Customer awareness about security


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Untitled Diagram.drawio.png (image/png)