SaFi Bank Space : Notifications_Accounts and Subscriptions

Formal copy (Vacuumlabs)

Formal copy - Approved (Lee, Patricia)

Informal copy (Lee, Patricia)

-main dashboard-


-incoming transactions to the Pocket-

-goal achievement-

[SaFiBank] Congratulations! You have reached …% of your savings goal on Pockets! Keep it up!

-uprade your plan-

[SaFiBank] Your subscription package is nearly over. Do you wish to upgrade it and get extra benefits?

-termination of the locked Pocket period-

[SaFiBank] Your Pocket “(name)” will be unlocked tomorrow. So far you have earned … Do you wish to extend your locked period? You will be able to earn much more!


NO - Do you wish to transfer money to your main account or keep the Pocket unlocked and earn extra interest?

-deduction of subscription fee-

[SaFiBank] Following your subscription plan, … will be deducted from your account tomorrow. Please, make sure you have sufficient funds in your account.

-interest added to the pocket-

[SaFiBank] We have amazing news for you! Today you’ve become richer while saving up for your dream, as you’ve earned … to your Pocket! Isn’t it awesome? (blue star)