SM-568 - BO: Jira integration In Progress


SM-6471 - Send message to customer when ticket has been resolved Resolved



Role: Bank customer

Objective: As a customer, I want to be informed that a ticket has been created for me, and when it’s resolved or closed I am also informed.

Reason: so I am able to know the status or result of my ticket.

Functional requirements:

1. When a specific type of ticket has been created or closed, a notification should be pushed to the bank customer which is associated with ticket (app notification only).

The ticket created by customer facing teams like:


User group in Okta

Contact Center




To find if a ticket’s creator is from target team, we have to verify his/her user group in Okta, either using user id or email.

2. The bank customer should be able to receive the notification from mobile app.

3. The notification looks like: (only created, or closed)

Ticket [ticket key] "[ticket summary]" has been created.
Ticket [ticket key] "[ticket summary]" has been closed.

Example: Ticket BOSD-152 "Possible fraud" has been closed

UI requirements: N/A

Process flow: diagram depicting the logical flow of the user story (where applicable), possibly with
sub-flow and their requirements

Execution steps: How each step is executed (what is happening in FE, BE, 3rd party calls)

Internal dependencies: Depends on output-manager service to push notifications.

External dependencies: Jira

Acceptance criteria: when a specific type of Jira ticket has been changed, the related bank customer can receive notification in time. The message of notification is clear to bank user.

Links to wireframes/UI: N/A

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