SaFi Bank Space : Onboarding Checklist - Draft

Product Overview

The project is comprised by the following domains, each domain is managed by a squad, and you will be choosing one domain from there:

SaFi Design : UI design

Domain: Customers : New customer verifications and onboard guidance

Domain: Commons : Notifications and outbound communications

Domain: IAM : Identity Access Management and authentication methods

Domain: Accounts : Account management like balance and interests

Domain: Finance : Finance computations like PL and BS

Domain: Transactions : Transactions module like money transfer methods

Domain: Loans : Loan functionality and products

Domain: Risk : Risk management in all aspects

Domain: Cards : Bank card distribution and life cycle management

Domain: Back-office : Bank back office functionalities like customer service

Organizational Structure

// todo - add current and target organizational structure

Tech Stack

SaFi Bank System Catalogue : Technology map

Front End

  • Programming Language - Dart

  • Framework - Flutter

Back End

Core Banking

Local Environment Setup:

Software to Download:

Access Needed:

Developer Standards