For Overdraft testing, we need to use the which is a helper script written by BE developers. For more information:

It is not possible to create an Overdraft retrospectively, also it’s not possible to specify the duration of the grace period and fee period using standard API. Therefore we need which contains a method to create an overdraft with a specified duration of the grace period and fee period:

./ overdraft-test-open [main_account_id] [principal] [fee] [penalty_interest_rate] [grace-period-duration] [fee-period-duration]

Provide grace-period-duration and fee-period-duration in the following format: PT{number_of_minutes}M or PT{number_of_hours}H

Past 1st due date (between 1 month two 2 months):


  • account that has 0 balance


  1. Create an overdraft with shorter grace but longer fee period using overdraft-test-open method. E.g.:

    ./ overdraft-test-open 0cd7e263-38b3-4c9b-a8ff-e8a63ea5a62f 500 50 0.05 PT2M PT720H
  2. Transfer all the money from the main account to test the asset internal amount using do-payment method within the grace period duration (2 minutes in this case)

    ./ do-payment bff6934b-3153-4c7b-adbe-77b299dc706f TEST_ASSET_INTERNAL_ACCOUNT 500

Past 2nd due date (after 2 months):


  • account that has 0 balance


  1. Create an overdraft with shorter grace and fee period using overdraft-test-open method. E.g.:

    ./ overdraft-test-open 0cd7e263-38b3-4c9b-a8ff-e8a63ea5a62f 500 50 0.05 PT2M PT1M
  2. Transfer all the money from the main account to test the asset internal amount using do-payment method within the grace period duration (2 minutes in this case)

    ./ do-payment bff6934b-3153-4c7b-adbe-77b299dc706f TEST_ASSET_INTERNAL_ACCOUNT 500