SaFi Bank Space : Password opt-out functionality



Technical Assessment


  • password opt-out is a global setting and related to IAM -> store it in iam-manager

  • FE sends the opt-out setting (with LEVEL2 auth) to iam-manager to set this flag in IAM database for the particular customer

    • iam-manager request a risk assessment from slacker to approve the opt-out


  1. FE sends the request to BE

  2. when the domain BE checks the signature, IAM returns an extended auth struct with the password opt-out flag (not just auth level and authenticated customer id)

  3. domain sends the request data, auth level, opt-out flag to the risk engine

  4. risk responds with required auth level (NOTE THAT THE FOLLOWING ARE JUST EXAMPLES, NOT REQUIREMENTS)

    • e.g. LEVEL1 is passed, user has opted out, risk approves

    • e.g. LEVEL2 is passed, user has not opted out, risk approves

    • e.g. risk require LEVEL2 if LEVEL1 was used and user has not opted-out (or risky transaction, etc.)

    • e.g. risk require LEVEL3 if LEVEL2 was used (but it is a risky customer or risky transaction, etc.)

  5. domain executes request if everything is fine or returns step-up required message to FE

  6. (optional) FE executes step-up

    • LEVEL2: ask for password

    • LEVEL3: execute the step-up procedure (has been implemented in last sprint - SM-1811 - IAM: Authenticate and authorize with step up requirement (MVP-P1) Resolved ) and retry the request


  • TX for now but solution is future proof for any other domain

  • FE can cache the password opt-out flag and send the first request with LEVEL2 so even the first request can succeed (depending on risk results of course)

    • this has no security implications because the needed level is always assessed on the BE side