Epic: SM-39 - ONB: Get secure access to the application Done
User story: SM-1207 - Phone number verification via SMS OTP Done


User story: As a customer I want to verify myself via SMS OTP so that I can securely link my phone number to the application.

In case the Customer doesn’t receive any SMS, Customer wants to resend a new SMS OTP.

Role: Customer

Objective: Verification of the customer’s phone number.

1. As the phone number is the only communication channel with the customer - it must be verified in terms of ownership and correctness.
2. Security reasons

Functional requirements:

OTP (one-time password) will be generated in the following cases:

  • Onboarding - the customer adds a phone number → Customer manager initiates sending of OTP to verify if the new phone number is correct.
    The Customer is allowed to request resending of a new SMS of the same OTP.

  • Customer profile change - Customer changes a phone number → Customer manager initiates sending of OTP to verify if the new phone number is correct.
    The Customer is allowed to request resending of a new SMS of the same OTP.

Resetting the onboarding flow :

  1. IF the prospective customer doesn’t input his correct OTP after 3 attempts,
    overall onboarding flow will be reset.

UI requirements: N/A

Process flow: N/A

Execution steps: See Functional requirements

Internal dependencies: FE, BE

External dependencies: SMS gateway

Alternative scenarios:
1. SMS isn’t delivered

  • The Customer is allowed to request resending of a new SMS of the same OTP

  • The Customer can’t continue in onboarding without inputting valid OTP

Acceptance criteria:

  • During Onboarding
    1. Customer adds a new phone number
    2. Customer receives OTP via SMS in a reasonable time
    3. Customer is allowed to request resending of a new SMS of the same OTP

  • Customer profile change -
    1. Customer changes his phone number
    2. Customer receives OTP via SMS in a reasonable time
    3. Customer is allowed to request resending of a new SMS of the same OTP

Links to wireframes/UI:

Onboarding: https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=484%3A7667