SaFi Bank Space : Physical Card Creation

  1. Tap menu bar in right-top corner

  2. Tap “My cards” menu

  3. Change tab to “Physical”

  4. Click “Order physical card” button

  5. Choose card layout then tap “Confirm and order” button

  6. Review customer information then tap “Order card” button

  7. When delivery process we need trigger the delivery vendor webhook to update the delivery status until

    1. You can trigger the delivery webhook by hit following API
      Notes: dont forget to update tracking_id field accordingly

      curl --location '' \
      --header 'X-Ninjavan-Hmac-SHA256: {{ninjavanHmac}}' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{"shipper_id":24057,"status":"Successful Pickup","shipper_ref_no":"","tracking_ref_no":"SAFI0001","shipper_order_ref_no":"","timestamp":"2022-07-05T12:40:48+0800","id":"cf113abf-ee58-4989-bb5c-a11a68e3b69e","tracking_id":"asd213qsdasd"}'
    2. To finalize the delivery you can sent above request with status is Completed

  8. When delivery status is COMPLETED the screen will move to activation card
