Processors are a set of functions used by the engagement service for determining criteria, setting state and/or calling methods from others services for a certain entity. These functions utilize parameters which are saved as Map<String, Any> in the database.

Parameter Processor

Parameter Processors are used for the Completion Definition of a mission. This is used by the engagement service to determine whether a mission has been completed or not (checkChallengesCompletion method calls the canMissionBeCompleted). The ProcessorService is responsible for calling the appropriate processor to check for a mission’s completion.

Abstract Class Methods:

  • process(events: List<CustomerEvent>, parameters: Map<String, Any>): Boolean


  • events: List<CustomerEvent>

    • The list of customer events used to check if the mission has been completed. The processor also uses the parameters saved in the CustomerEvent entity when necessary.

  • parameters: Map<String, Any>

    • Parameters of the CompletionDefinition which are utilized by the processor to check if the required criteria has been met (e.g. minValue parameter in the SumUpProcessor is used to check if the summed parameters reach the minimum value required by the processor).


Processor types can be found in

  • AlwaysTrueProcessor

    • Always returns true.

    • Used for the onboarding challenge/mission, and is called on the user’s onboarded event.

  • CounterProcessor

    • Counts the number of times a user event occurred and compares it to the required targetCount for completion.

    • processorParameters:

      • eventTypes: String - Space separated customer events to consider in counting. (e.g. "TOPUP_BANK TOPUP_CASH TOPUP_DEBIT_CARD TOPUP_EWALLET").

      • targetCount: Int - Required count for completion.

  • SumUpProcessor

    • Sums up a certain parameter of a user event and checks if it meets the minValue needed for completion.

    • processorParameters:

      • eventTypes: String - Space separated customer events to consider in counting. (e.g. "TOPUP_BANK TOPUP_CASH TOPUP_DEBIT_CARD TOPUP_EWALLET").

      • parameterToSum: String - The parameter in the customer event that will be used for summing.

      • minValue: String | BigDecimal - The minimum value needed for the sum.

  • CashInProcessor

    • Checks if a user cash-in event reaches the minValue amount needed for completion.

    • processorParameters:

      • minAmount: String | BigDecimal - The minimum value needed for the sum.

  • TopUpProcessor

    • Checks if a user top-up event reaches the minValue amount needed for completion.

    • processorParameters:

      • minAmount: String | BigDecimal - The minimum value needed for the sum.

  • BillPaymentProcessor

    • Checks if a user bill-payment event reaches the minValue amount needed for completion.

    • processorParameters:

      • minAmount: String | BigDecimal - The minimum value needed for the sum.

Reward Processor

Reward Processors are used for the claiming and deactivating of a reward if it is available.

Abstract Class Methods:

  • claimReward(customerReward: CustomerReward, customerChallenge: CustomerChallenge): CustomerReward

  • deactivateReward(customerReward: CustomerReward): CustomerReward


  • customerReward: CustomerReward

    • The customer reward entity to be used for the claiming/deactivating of a reward.

    • The parameters in the customer reward is needed for certain processors (e.g. accountId for the BonusInterestProcessor).

  • customerChallenge: CustomerChallenge

    • The customer challenge related to the reward.

    • Contains the customerId.

    • Used to get the parameters of the reward itself in CustomerChallenge.Reward (e.g. validInterval for setting the validity period of the reward)


Reward processor types can be found in

  • BonusInterestProcessor

    • Sets or removes bonus interest in a user's account.

    • If no accountId is provided in the customer reward parameters the processor will select the account with the highest balance.

    • Reward parameters:

      • bonusInterest: String | BigDecimal - The amount of interest to add/remove for the reward.

    • Customer reward parameters:

      • accountId: UUID - The account that will be given the bonus interest.

  • BonusOperationsProcessor

    • Adds bonus transactions in a user's subscription.

    • Reward parameters:

      • validInterval: Map<*, *> - The interval that the reward will be valid until.

    • Customer reward parameters:

      • (key: BonusOperationType, value: Int) - The operation (key) and the count (value) that will be given for the reward.

  • FreeSubscriptionProcessor

    • Applies free subscription for a user.

    • Reward parameters:

      • SUBSCRIPTION: Int - The number of months of free subscription to give for the reward.