SaFi Bank Space : React Tools and Libraries


Documenting the choice of technologies for the Back-Office FE application.

For the core we chose to use TypeScript with React.

Area to consider



React version

latest - 18.x


TS version

latest - 4.6

(tick) With the transpiler strict option on.

Package manager


(tick) yarn was chosen

Fetching data

React Query

(tick) React Query

  • very little boilerplate needed

  • similar usage to Apollo

  • recommended by other VL project

Redux - classic, but too much boilerplate, even though partially amended by RTK

Apollo - not the best since we won’t use GQL

State management

standard React hooks

(error) Zustand could be used if the internal state is too complex to be managed by useState/useContext (React hooks) only

  • lightweight state management

  • recommended by other VL project

Update: it was not used as we don’t need complex state management

Component library

Material UI


  • good component coverage

  • good customization options

  • recommended by more VL projects

  • (there are figma plugins for designers)

Form validation

React Hook Form

(tick) React Hook Form

  • currently very popular, looks promising, may be worth exploring

  • Latest version supports both controlled and uncontrolled components

  • No dependencies, smaller bundle size and promises better performance

  • Code is mostly less verbose than Formik, but might need more dev work than Formik in complex form constructs

  • Doesn’t support class components as it is all riding with hooks (might not be a problem)

  • Works well with Typescript, Material UI and for testing as well. Find more about Formik vs RHF here


React Router

(tick) standard



(tick) recommended by more VL projects

Linting & formatting


(tick) using both together with an eslint prettier plugin

  • using VL custom config, other configs inspired by other TS projects in VL and by the ESLint team

Feature flags

Firebase Remote Config


Firebase tools are already used by the Mobile App squad

  • simple, free, includes A/B testing, not real-time

LaunchDarkly mentioned by Jakub Ukrop (Unlicensed)

  • more comprehensive, used by large companies, real time, A/B testing is an add-on

Verdict: This feature is not needed

Monitoring & Analytics

Firebase Performance Monitoring & Google Analytics

(blue star)

Firebase tools are already used by the Mobile App squad

  • GA is well regarded and extensive

  • Firebase Crashlytics is not available for web but it seems that GA can be set up to track JS errors too


  • can record user actions in the session that lead to an error

  • also provides product/ux analytics

  • (free plan 1,000 sessions/month)


  • more geared toward performance and error tracking

Verdict: not needed in MVP, should be revisited later

Document viewing
(pdf, jpg/jpeg, png, doc, docx)

react-pdf + other
some web api displayed in an <iframe>



  • seems to work for pdfs and docxs, plug and play

  • is supposed to work for images as well

  • the bundle size is larger

  • it doesn’t support doc format

  • does not have TS module declaration


  • works well with a little bit of additional setup

  • highly customizable

  • smallish bundle size

  • only for pdfs…

react-doc-viewer @cyntler/react-doc-viewer (tick)

  • didn’t work for neither of the tested docx or doc files (it uses some external web api so it only woks for files that are accessible from the internet publicly - should not be a problem), it uses react-pdf to preview pdfs

  • works with images as well (tested a png)

  • the bundle size is small

  • Sebastian Šimků (Unlicensed) confirmed doc and docxs work for him and found a fork of the original project that is active

  • download button should be simple to hide using CSS, in general it is decently customizable


  • simple iframe embedding the document directly seems to work great for pdfs

  • embedded google doc viewer could be probably used for doc/docxs - but do we want to send links to sensitive information to a 3rd party like this?

  • simple <img /> can be used for images

another unexplored option is to do this with the help of some BE service

Verdict: react-doc-viewer used

Base64 parsing

atob or Buffer or auth0/jwt-decode

Context: FE needed to parse base64-encoded JWT token made by okta (to get user ID to be sent into tracing headers, PR)


  1. Use deprecated atob that has issues with Unicode characters (and the token may contain such as it has full user name)

  2. Use the Buffer.from('base64').toString() available in Node.js - we'd need to polyfill the Buffer though as it's not available in browser

    • the polyfill if lots of code, not all we need

  3. Use some 3rd party library like

  4. Copy out the logic from the library and use that, would not create a dependency


Verdict: The 3rd party library (3.) was used. It’s very small and well regarded.