Epic: SM-1809 - IAM: Set up secure way of accessing and using the app Resolved
JIRA: SM-1825 - Register device biometry Done
Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved

As a Customer I want to scan my fingerprint so that my identity is confirmed and I can securely access the app

Role: Customer

Objective: Customer confirms their identity through fingerprint scan

Reason: Confirm identity and access the app

Functional requirements:

Customer is presented with a device biometry prompt in order to allow usage of this factor for authentication purposes. In Navigation menu, under Settings

Usage of biometry for this user is stored. Once the user is to login again, biometry will be used.

UI requirements: register/unregister button

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps: n/a

Internal dependencies: n/a

External dependencies: n/a

Alternative scenarios: what would happen if not done (optional)

Acceptance criteria: SM-1825 - Register device biometry Done

  • Fingerprint scan is checked against the list of active customers and prospects (No two persons must be same in terms of the biometric scan being used i.e. everyone must be unique in terms of the biometric trait being used).

  • Fingerprint scan is verified

Links to wireframes/UI: https://www.figma.com/file/0LEEFZgkUnPkPTkY9PMREt/SaFi---WF-%26-UI-(Shared)?node-id=9089%3A102223

Technical Assessment

Enabling device biometry can be done with VIDA SDK’s enableBiometrics function.