Ticket: SM-1209 - Setup user key and password Done


Role: Customer

Objective: Customer sets the passcode to confirm identity and access the app.

Reason: Customer wants to be able to login and access the app.

Functional requirements:

  • Sign-up is only accessible for customers, who have been confirmed

  • Customer sets their passcode, which:

    • is a 6 digit number

    • cannot be the same number e.g. 999999

    • cannot be of an ascending or descending sequence, e.g. 123456, 345678 or 987654 including the looped variants also, e.g. 789012

  • Customer repeats the entering of a valid passcode

UI requirements:

Process flow: diagram ?

Execution steps: Linked with Process Flow?

Internal dependencies: Onboarding team

External dependencies: OTP generator and SMS service integration for Customer service?

Acceptance criteria: SM-1824 - Register passcode Done

  • passcode is checked against the set rules

  • Customer can access the app using passcode

Links to wireframes/UI: https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=484%3A7687 https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=484%3A7828

Technical Assessment

The following sequence diagram focuses on the IAM functionality, omitting some FE and customer-manager parts.


  • IAM database should be available to store the (credentialId, customerId, STATUS) triplet.

  • Key registration callback (the whole pink box) is not implemented yet since after the RegisterDevice call returns, it is guaranteed that VIDA has the pubkey stored, so any later check (executed when the next request arrives to the BE) will be able to fetch the pubkey from VIDA.


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