Epic: SM-2920 - ONB_CUS: Notifications In Progress
User story: SM-1225 - Rejection notification Done


User story: As a customer I want to be informed via standard communication channels (email, sms, notification) about onboarding rejection so that I understand reasons behind the decision

Role: Customer

Objective: The notification will be sent to Customer in case of rejected onboarding.

Reason: Customer must be informed about the negative result of the onboarding.

Functional requirements: The notification will be sent to Customer in following cases:
1. OSP Direct rejection
2. vKYC rejection

UI requirements: No special demand for UI, only text notification.

Process flow: N/A

Execution steps:

  1. OSP Direct rejection - IF OSP returns the value “Rejected“ THEN after this screen: https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=18419%3A145252&t=kVU1a2mYPLu9qyGL-4 the notification to the customer’s device will be sent.

  2. vKYC rejection - IF vKYC Agent session will result to rejection, THEN after this screen: https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=5407%3A34972&t=kVU1a2mYPLu9qyGL-4 the notification to the customer’s device will be sent.

Internal dependencies:
SMS Gateway

External dependencies:
1. OSP
2. vKYC

Alternative scenarios: N/A

Acceptance criteria: See Execution steps.

Links to wireframes/UI: N/A