Epic: SM-233 - Cards: Back-office Functions - Management of Cards In Progress

SAF-1205 - Replacement of Lost Card Backlog

Review status: APPROVED

Role: Operator


The BO will initiate a replacement of the lost card


In the case of a card loss informed by Ninjavan or GoGoExpress, the BO will be able to disable the original card and request delivery of a new card to the client. The client will be requested to confirm the delivery address via SaFi Bank app.

Refer to Domain: Cards

  • Card Missing

  • Card Destroyed

Functional requirements:

  • xxx

UI requirements:

  • xxx

Process flow:

  • n/a

Execution steps:

  • xxx

Internal dependencies:

  • Back-Office Application

External dependencies:

  • Ninjavan API Integration

  • GoGoExpress API Integration

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • Safi backend will monitor card status; in case that card is marked-up as lost by Ninjavan or GoGoExpress during the logistic process, then a ticket for the BO app must be created automatically

  • BO agent will be responsible for takeover such tickets and proceed based on internal procedures to block the lost card and initiate creation of a new card

  • The client must be informed via email and push notification about such a situation

Links to wireframes/UI:
