
Core business use cases with impacts on Fraud prevention and Risk evaluation

  • Customer identity verification within the onboarding process

  • Ongoing KYC processes

  • Transaction monitoring

  • Access policy enforcement and transaction authorization
    (for details please see IAM Domain)

  • Credit risk scoring


  • AAI Identity Verification System

  • AAI One Stop (workflow system)

  • Risk Scoring Engine

  • Feature Store

  • DWH/Data Lake

  • Meiro = Analytical CRM

  • Ticketing = Operational CRM

  • External Data Sources

Slacker integration with bank system

The Slacker interaction with bank system (and Fraud) can be split into 3 categories:

  1. Interruption of an ongoing process - In this case, the owner of the business process (domain service) queries the Slacker in order to get an “advice” how to proceed in the process. The process is blocked until Slacker responds. Slacker queries the respective function in Fraud systems and receives an advice. This advice may also contain command which is requested to be executed by the Fraud system. Slacker would expose a synchronous (or synchronized over async request-response protocol) API to facilitate this.

  2. Update Fraud systems based on bank events - the Slacker wishes to listen on different events happening within the bank in order to update the data models (representations of customer and their fraud model) on the Fraud side. The domain service publishes an event (fire-and-forget), Slacker consumes it and updates the relevant store on the Fraud side.

  3. Issue a command to the bank system - Fraud system wishes to issue a specific command based on a trigger within the Fraud domain (this could be an incoming event, or a time-based trigger, or any other trigger within the Fraud domain). Slacker receives this command from Fraud systems (TBC PubSub vs Kafka vs webhook) and executes the given action.

The available commands mentioned in points 1. and 3. are an “API” the slacker offers to the Fraud systems which is well specified and agreed on between the Slacker and Fraud systems.


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blueprint-fraud-domain.drawio (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
blueprint-fraud-domain.drawio.png (image/png)
image-20220520-130640.png (image/png)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~drawio~557058:27349720-65fa-4129-b290-8abf5953e7fb~Slacker-integration.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
Slacker-integration (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
Slacker-integration.png (image/png)