SaFi Bank Space : SRE Onboarding

Currently, two kind of emails are being used. The and personal emails. Eventually after launch of MVP a new corporate email will be created and all access will use this.

Lark Access

During HR Onboarding, they will provide the user with access to Lark. This includes BIPO and Sprout as well.


The team uses GitOps and Github is used. The Safi Application resides on a mono repo. Terraform Cloud is used for CICD.

The push to the repo triggers Terraform Cloud for the terraform plan. Terraform apply is done manually.

For the initial terraform apply (you have no access on Terraform Cloud yet), you need to ask someone who has access to do it for you.

Github Access

Currently, personal email is being used. Once the SRE has a personal Github he can ask Ion to add him to SafiBank organization.

Ideally, SSH keys need to be setup.

Once user has access to Github, the SaFiMono repo can be cloned.

Okta Access

On the SaFiMono repo, navigate to devops/terraform/_files. Edit the file users_okta.yaml.

Cloudflare Zero Trust

Once you got Okta access, you can also install Cloudflare Warp and use it to authenticate.

Connecting to Cloudflare VPN

GCP, Terraform Cloud and Confluent Access

On the SaFiMono repo, navigate to devops/terraform/_files. Edit the file users_devops.yaml.

Slack Access

Ion can invite members based on their corporate email. Currently there is no subscription plan for the team.

Once the user is in Slack, Lucky can issue Channel invites. Adding Direct messages to individual team members is manually done.

Zoom Access

Right now, members have to use their personal email to join Zoom meetings. No subscription plans in place yet. This is mainly used by Ion for creating meetings.