SaFi Bank Space : SaFi How to Use Distroless Images as Our Base Images

  • Why

Let me quote from its official site.

Restricting what's in your runtime container to precisely what's necessary for your app is a best practice employed by Google and other tech giants that have used containers in production for many years. It improves the signal to noise of scanners (e.g. CVE) and reduces the burden of establishing provenance to just what you need.

Distroless images are very small. The smallest distroless image,, is around 2 MiB. That's about 50% of the size of alpine (~5 MiB), and less than 2% of the size of debian (124 MiB).

  • How

Currently, we use gradle plugin jib to generate docker images. And you can find the following lines in your build.gradle.kts for that.

 id("") version "3.2.1"

As how to configure this plugin, please refer to its official page. Google guys have published distroless images for different scenarios. And you can go to its offical repo page for details.

Currently, we are using jdk17, and let’s just copy and paste the following lines to build.gradle.kts

jib {
    from {
        image = ""
    container {
        creationTime = "USE_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
        environment = mapOf(
            "MICRONAUT_ENV_DEDUCTION" to "false",

the from.image part specifies the base image we wanna use; for security reason, please don’t forget to add the SHA256 value there.

After that, run the following command to generate the image

./gradlew jibDockerBuild

Take audit-log-manager for example, we’ll get the following audit-log-manager image

REPOSITORY                                                                   TAG                                                     IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
audit-log-manager                                                            0.1-SNAPSHOT                                            c30caa9ec2b2   6 minutes ago    284MB
<none>                                                                       <none>                                                  fdc8f7f3f189   37 minutes ago   284MB
<none>                                                                       <none>                                                  a2c716335d1c   38 minutes ago   284MB
<none>                                                                       <none>                                                  8c74b9932404   45 minutes ago   263MB
googleapi-gateway                                                            0.1                                                     50c29279f081   2 weeks ago      166MB
advanceai-gateway                                                            0.1                                                     11861d474f5e   2 weeks ago      285MB
temporalio/ui                                                                2.1.3                                                   c74779884d07   4 weeks ago      66.6MB
<none>                                                                       <none>                                                  bb8a808d9ddc   5 weeks ago      166MB
temporalio/auto-setup                                                        1.17.0                                                  c2929e9d7743   6 weeks ago      278MB
temporalio/admin-tools                                                       1.17.0                                                  dbba814dc293   6 weeks ago      282MB
istio/proxyv2                                                                1.14.1                                                  8dcc4ed7a1e6   8 weeks ago      264MB
istio/pilot                                                                  1.14.1                                                  9ae2f8164693   8 weeks ago      210MB
postgres                                                                     14.2                                                    9dbc24674f25   2 months ago     376MB
temporalio/auto-setup                                                        1.16.2                                                  7cbdc156e7b6   2 months ago     254MB
temporalio/admin-tools                                                       1.16.2                                                  c24c6cbc23b5   2 months ago     284MB
timescale/timescaledb                                                        2.6.1-pg14                                              669208eedae5   3 months ago     287MB

Let’s run the docker container we just created. Of course, we should start other dependent docker containers first.

docker run --network=host -e "DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15432/audit" -e "DB_USER=postgres" -e "DB_PASSWORD=postgres" -e "AUDIT_EVENT_KAFKA_URL=localhost:9092" -e "SCHEMA_REGISTRY_
URL=" -e "SAFI_CUSTOMER_MANAGER_URL=" audit-log-manager:0.1-SNAPSHOT

And the output

I tried it on my Windows machine, and hopefully it will work on all platforms that support Docker.

  • Cons

We cannot enter the running conainer by running “docker exec -it xxxx bash“ or something like that, so it’s troublesome if we wanna troubleshoot problems and wanna execute commands within the container.
