SaFi Bank Space : SaFi Interview Process Proposal

  • Workflow

  1. talent hunters send resumes to the HR team

  2. HR team members create ResumeReading Jira tickets, they attach resumes there and assign Engineering team members to read these resumes to pick up qualified resumes

  3. Engineering team members delete unqualified resumes and put the Jira tickets to QualifiedSelected stage, and assign it to the HR team

  4. HR team members create OnlineCodingTest Jira tickets for qualified candidates, assign the tickets to engineering team members and book online meetings

  5. Engineering. team members have a short discussion about what kind of coding challenges the candidates should take based on their technical stack, project experience and the rest. Candidates take the online coding test. If the candidates pass the test, engineering team members put the related Jira tickets to OnlineCodingTestOK status and assign it to HR team members; otherwise, the Jira tickets will be put into the CandidateRejected stage directly

  6. HR team members move Jira tickets to OnlineFaceToFaceInterview stage, and assign them to engineering team members, and book interview meetings. At this stage, two engineering team members are required to give the interview. It would be better that one is from our PH team, and another from our China team. (Why? because they will work with our PH team members, and PH members will check to see if their English is understandable, and can describe technical details clearly)

  7. The two interviewers have a short discussion about what to ask according to our Technical Requirements for Senior Software Engineers and junior or middle-level engineers(will have such a requirements/criteria document will be prepared and aligned soon). If the candidates pass, the Jira ticket will be put to OnlineFaceToFaceInterviewOK stage; otherwise, the tickets will be put to CandidateRejected directly

  8. HR team members will discuss offers with the candidates

  • Code Challenge Repositories

  1. LeetCode variants


  3. ACM/Hackathon/…

  4. (add more options here)

  • Online Coding Tools/Platforms




  4. (add more options here)


interview flow.png (image/png)
interview flow (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~interview flow.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)